Thursday, May 21, 2009


After about 2 weeks of hiatus from blogging… I’m back.. back slowly! Family time/vacation was spectacular and 2 weeks flew by way to fast! My parents are now en route to Malaysia sitting hours in different airplanes and transiting in various international airports. My brother has also flown back to Buffalo. The house is now quiet and empty with just hubby and Brady.

2 weeks earlier, I was anxiously waiting for my parents’ arrival at Buffalo-Niagara Airport. It has been almost a year since I last saw them at my own wedding. This time we’re reunited for my brother’s graduation. Today, hubby and I sent them off at the airport. It has only been 5 hours since we bid goodbye and I’ve already missed them! **sobs** I wish I could turn back time and relive the 2 weeks we spent together traveling around Canada and the US.

I now bring back with me sweet memories and tons of pictures from the trip. Surprisingly, I did not pack in the pounds from the overeating I’ve done for 2 weeks, even though I feel FAT…..

Life still goes on as I find inspiration and muse to start blogging again. There’s so much to write about; I don’t know where to start!

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