
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Baby Shower Cupcakes

A couple weeks ago, I volunteered to make baby shower cupcakes for one of my co-workers. I was excited and nervous at the same time. I had plenty of ideas flowing, but needed one that would not take up too much time after work. Plus, I need to make enough to feed about 50 people.
A few days prior to the baby shower, I started shopping around for supplies and sort of settled with some designs. It was going to be cupcakes for sure. Figured out a game plan of how I was going to execute the project after work. The plan was to stretch the whole project into 2 days (nights to be exact).
The first night, I made the decorative part……..Kneading the fondant and mixing the white fondant, turning it into pastel colors. And then using cooker cutter and also hand shaping them into my different shapes and sizes.
The second night, it was all about the baking. Chocolate and Cherry Vanilla cupcakes to be exact, topped with a vanilla frosting and my decorative fondant!
BabyShowerCupcakes BabyShowerCupcakes1
BabyShowerCupcakes2 BabyShowerCupcakes3
The day of the baby shower, the husband helped me bring the cupcakes to work. I think the cupcakes were a success. Everyone seem to be in awe and some even had 2-3 helpings of cupcakes. Pat on the back for me! Yay! =)

Simply June 


  1. OMG! I thought that you bought the cute little toppers for the cupcakes! I had no idea that you actually made those. You are so talented....:-)

  2. Awwws those are some cute cupcakes!! :D I love how you decorated it!

  3. Thanks guys!
    Crystal: Yup I made those. =)

  4. the colors are so sweet....very nice!

  5. Hello June!

    Good job in the cupcakes. They are so cute :)
    Also just dropping by to day hi!

