
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Pulmuone Ja Jang Myun

Being in the land of Thousand Oaks, we are kind of deprived from Asian grocery stores and authentic Asian Food. The closest Asian grocery stores is about 50 minutes from us and a few weekends ago we finally ventured into the Northridge area where we were told there are some Asian grocery stores and restaurant there. We stumbled Galleria Market, a Korean grocery store which also has a food court in its premise. While the fresh vegetables/fish selection is not as impressive as H-Mart (at least in MA), it was  decent if you're desperate! 

Since we were also there, we decided to stock up on some Asian food, mainly Korean I guess. One of the items I got was a bag of Ja Jang Myun which is a kind of noodle dish, served with a thick black bean sauce. A bag serves 2 people and for less than $5 ( I think we paid less than $4) it's a pretty good deal. I like that it comes with fresh noodles ( 2 bags) and 2 bags of black bean sauce with some potato cubes I think. The preparation of the Ja Jang Myun is super easy; basically boiling the noodles until it's cooked and re-heating the bag of sauce.

I decided to fry up and egg and julienne some fresh cucumbers with my noodles. I wished there were a little more noodles in the bag as the sauce was plenty. The ja jang myun was overall ok. The sauce seem to be lacking some flavors. I'm not sure if this was because the one I had in the past has some pork in it or what but for $2 per bowl, I shouldn't complain much.  I do like that the noodles were fresh, and not the dehydrated ones! 

I might buy this again to have handy when I crave for some Ja Jang Myun. This company produces a few different kind of noodles that might be worth trying out. The noodles are usually found in the refrigerated section of the store and have a decent shelf life.

PS: This is my personal review, and I'm not affiliated with Pulmuone company for this product review.

Simply June 

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